
RitualCravt is a renowned Denver, Colorado-based metaphysical shop with a significant portion of revenue being driven through the online experience. Previous to Brent Thelen Design's takeover, RitualCravt faced constant inefficiencies with their eCommerce system which caused them to miss out on sales and provided a poor user experience. RitualCravt reached out to us to create a significantly expanded eCommerce shop, blog, reader booking, wholesale and brochure site while also accommodating to their internal organization, RitualCravt School, which needed a unique but separate system for selling tickets to their daily in-house events and classes.

What we did

In collaboration with owner, Missy Rhysing and the Ritualcravt team, we developed a solution for a new website and a microsite that would re-establish the brand and business, simultaneously meeting the expectations of today’s online shopper and providing a catalyst for growth.

From a creative and design perspective, we were given one request “make it dark.” To convey a dark aesthetic, we took RitualCravt’s existing logo and found a supplementary “old-world” feeling typeface, Adobe Garamond Pro and a cohesive & monochromatic color palette. To mimic the look of old, occult literature, we gave titles a significant amount of letter spacing. As a supplemental typeface, we decided upon Myriad Pro for body copy and less important titles. We also utilized gradient vignettes whenever possible to seamlessly flow between sections. To tie it all together with the “dark” aesthetic, aside from the shop and products, all imagery on both sites were converted to grayscale.

Regarding the ticketing system for their daily events, we knew that a calendar view would be necessary for their patrons to view, so we went with The Events Calendar Pro, a WordPress plugin which allows for robust event creation and duplication. To add to this, we needed a solution to allow these events to be associated with tickets and limitations of ticket sales as well as sharability, RSVP capability and ticket scanning capability once attendees arrive at the event. This said, we customized the Event Tickets Plus extension of the The Events Calendar Pro plugin to allow for all of this. Finally, we tied it all in with WooCommerce, as Event Tickets Plus allows for creation of tickets, which are then saved as a WooCommerce “product,” which allows for easy checkout with Square Payment Gateway.


  • Identity
  • Strategy & Positioning
  • Voice & Tone
  • Art Direction


  • Prototyping
  • User Experience Design
  • Interface Design
  • Website Development
  • Mobile Development
  • E-commerce


  • Content Strategy & Creation
  • Videography
  • Copywriting & SEO
  • Brand Activation


A significantly elevated website was launched, a custom ticketing system solution was formed  and supplemental print materials were created. Unlike their previous system, users are now able to purchase products, book readers, read blog content, checkout and purchase tickets to multiple events at the same time, RSVP and share the event and with a much better UX, are able to peruse the event offerings much quicker and more efficiently. From an administrative standpoint, backend management has never been so easy to create content, events, create tickets, and have much more insight to sales – not to mention, sales are and continue to be at a record high.

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My company was provided with an aesthetically beautiful website that went beyond my vision. They have been responsive, supportive, and timely with problem solving. Thanks to Brent and Nick for all their hard work. Missy Rhysing - RitualCravt